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Over Easy: The Switch from window-Eyes to JAWS!


It's no secret that sales of the Window-Eyes screen-reader have ended. The owning company VFO are offering JAWS for Windows as a replacement for Window-Eyes users. But how do you get started with JAWS? How easy is it to transition from one screen-reader to another? How do you accomplish some of the most basic tasks you would want to do with your screen-reader?

All these questions and more are answered in our training course, Over Easy: The Switch from window-Eyes to JAWS.

During the session, lasting approximately 105 minutes, Brian Hartgen will show you the basics of how to use JAWS for windows and give you plenty of useful tips and tricks along the way.

Brian Hartgen has been using JAWS for over 20 years. He is also a beta tester for JAWS, MAGic and ZoomText Fusion, has completed the advanced JAWS scripting course at VFO's Headquarters in florida and has completed JAWS certification in 2017. So not only is his knowledge of JAWS as current as it can be, but he came to the JAWS screen-reader from a Window-Eyes background.

What Will I Learn?

  • How to use the JAWS Startup Wizard.
  • Adjusting the rate of speech and typing echo.
  • Getting help.
  • Keystrokes to get information quickly.
  • Reading documents.
  • Useful JAWS features in Microsoft word.
  • The basics of browsing the internet.
  • How to get more help.
  • The JAWS Settings Centre.
  • The JAWS Dictionary Manager.
  • Using the JAWS Cursor.


The Over Easy: The Switch from window-Eyes to JAWS course is priced £30 which is currently $38.

Alternatively, anyone can purchase the course by sending an Email to, whereupon a fully accessible electronic invoice will be sent to you which can be paid through PayPal or any major credit or debit card. Orders can also be placed by telephone:

If you would like to read the views from participants of our previous courses, please Visit our Training area.


For some people, it can be hard to move from one screen-reader to another, particularly if you've been using Window-Eyes for very many years. But here is a chance to get your skills to a point where you can work with JAWS effectively, and use that knowledge to learn more as you go. Join us to find out what JAWS can do for you!
