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JAWS 2019 News and What it Means for Our Products!

Hi to everyone!

There is so much happening surrounding our products and the new JAWS 2019 update I felt it better to put it all in one place so you knew what to expect and when.
There is a lot of detail here, so I've divided it into Headings with appropriate links to information.

Don't forget that if you want to catch up with all the new features in JAWS 2019, we have an ideal opportunity to do that in our latest training course scheduled for 7 November. You can find out all the details here but it's a good chance to bring people up to speed. I would encourage you to get onto that if you can.

According to Vispero in yesterday's FSOpenLine, JAWS 2019 is expected to be released either on Tuesday 30 October or a little sooner. Because we have to plan events, we are going for Tuesday as the starting point.

So here is the schedule.

30 October.

On Tuesday 30 October, we will release Leasey Advanced and Total Package for use with JAWS 2019 and earlier. The beta testers will get the final build of this today so we're definitely on track with this one. Also on the same day, a LeaseyBite should be produced detailing how to install Leasey into your new JAWS version and how to bring your settings across from the previous one.

31 October.

On Wednesday 31 October, we will release the StationPlaylist Scripts for JAWS 2019 and earlier. This set of scripts will function with the StationPlaylist suite of products 5.30 and 5.31.

There are a small number of new features, including the ability to find out how much time has elapsed in a recorded show, and a new mode for Braille users. Modifications have also been made to the scripts for the SPL Encoder.

Celebrate on 5 November!

On Monday 5 November, there's a double celebration! We will be releasing the first version of J-Say 17. This will ensure that Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional Individual users can take advantage of the functionality in JAWS 2019 through complete hands-free voice commands.

Historically people have had to wait a few weeks for this to be available after a new JAWS release. But on this occasion, we've made the decision to at least provide compatibility straight away for JAWS 2019 and add features at a later date. Updating to the latest JAWS release is important, which is why Vispero have created their new Home program where a user can pay on an annual basis for a JAWS Home licence. We think a lot of people are going to take advantage of this, as it is the most cost effective way of moving up to the latest release of JAWS if you have fallen behind over the years. This is why we are providing our new JAWS training course, and ensuring all our products are compatible as quickly as possible.

Our beta testers have been working hard to ensure everything is working with JAWS 2019, and although for a number of reasons this has taken longer than we envisaged, we are now almost ready. The new J-Say 17 will also contain a set of scripts and voice commands for Skype version 8, with which some of our users are already familiar.

Also on 5 November, we will be releasing J-Say version 1.0 in German!

We have partnered with TFA Technik Für Alle GmbH, who have particular expertise in supplying, supporting and training people in the use of Dragon NaturallySpeaking. We will post more details at the appropriate time. I will say however that this has been an enormous undertaking on the part of two companies to ensure that all the voice commands, JAWS functionality and documentation are translated into German and are working as they should be.

We are extremely proud to work with TFA Technik Für Alle GmbH to bring voice input/output technology to the people of Germany. We've always said that we will only localise a product if we're absolutely confident that the documentation is of a good standard and that people are going to get the best level of support, imperative for people who are blind and who may have additional disabilities. I firmly believe we have that partnership in place.

What Else is New?

Our Zoom Conferencing scripts have been updated yesterday. Feel free to get the latest build! You will also find that our training course for Skype version 8, together with the Skype scripts for JAWS, are now available to purchase as a package. You can find out more information here.
With Skype ersion 7 being retired very soon, again this is an ideal way to learn how to make the transition to the new update. Our training sessions conducted live were I think very thorough in giving people a good grounding in how it works, and the scripts we have provided as part of it considerably enhance the experience.

Finally, we have a small number of people who would like us to deliver a training course in the use of Microsoft PowerPoint. If you are interested in this, do let us know. We do not have enough people at the moment for the course to be viable, so do contact us if appropriate.

Have a good weekend and thank you for using our products!
