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J-Say Technology, Change of Ownership
Hello everyone
This will be quite a lengthy blog post, but it would be very much appreciated if existing J-Say customers, together with potential distributors could please read it carefully. Our contact details will be given at the end if you have further questions.
As of Monday 15 December 2014, the ownership of the J-Say product will change from Astec to Hartgen Consultancy.
As developer of J-Say during the past 12 years, I have been extremely pleased to work with Astec and I do wish them the very best for the future. However, there are some very specific directions I would like to take the product during the next year at least, and so we’ve mutually agreed that Hartgen Consultancy will from this point forward take responsibility for development, sales and support. We hope like me you will see this as good news.
J-Say will be available to purchase from our accessible online store or by telephone. If you require a copy of J-Say now to accommodate a specific Dragon/JAWS release, please feel free to discuss this with us and we will do our very best to accommodate you. However, we are working on a much more updated version of J-Say for release in early 2015. Anyone who does purchase a copy of the product from now until the release of J-Say 13 will be entitled to a free upgrade as and when it becomes available.
In terms of pricing, there is good news. We intend to reduce the cost of the J-Say package when someone purchases it for the first time, together with a small reduction on upgrade costs too. The next update will be a very significant one, and we do want to give good value for money particularly to the people who have not necessarily had a good experience in recent months. We hope by reducing the costs, this shows good faith on our part. Pricing will be made available on our website next week.
Finally, if you represent a company previously as a J-Say distributor, and you would like to go on doing so, please feel free to contact us so we can get to learn about you, find out how we can best support you and discuss enquiries you are likely to have. We would very much like to hear from you.
We certainly expect to be testing J-Say 13 in January with a release as soon after that time as possible. J-Say 13 will contain considerably improved technology, including significantly enhanced Windows navigation, new features, new installer and the ability for the product to function alongside multiple versions of JAWS, thereby making J-Say much more flexible. Our lower cost product, J-Dictate, will also be launched during 2015, for use with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium.
I would like to thank you for reading and we look forward to some good months ahead with J-Say technology.
Best wishes and happy holidays!
Brian Hartgen
Hartgen Consultancy