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Improve Your Outlook. Advanced Outlook for the Power User!
Optimising the Power of JAWS for windows and Microsoft Outlook.
For many years, Microsoft Outlook has been the industry standard and leader for managing Email, working with appointments, creating tasks for projects and accessing contact information. So it is not really surprising that the access provided through the JAWS for Windows screen-reader for this application delivers to the blind user some incredible tools to gain the most from it. But how do you unlock that power? Hartgen Consultancy's latest online course, "Improve Your Outlook", will show you.
During our initial course on this subject, "Looking Out for Outlook", we worked through customising Microsoft Outlook for optimum accessibility, together with all aspects of Email and Contact management. Lots of ways were described concerning how to use Microsoft Outlook efficiently with JAWS for Windows at the heart of it. This course can still be purchased if you would like to on our Training page.
This training course focuses upon:
- Creating, Viewing and managing all aspects of appointments in the Calendar;
- Scheduling meetings;
- Working with Tasks;
- The Journal and what you can do with it;
- Storing and referring to Outlook Notes;
- Searching for what you need in Advanced Find and Instant Search;
- The Quick Steps tool.
The course is divided into four lessons, each of 60 minutes duration. You will not just learn how to work with the application, but how you can use the JAWS screen-reader optimally to gain the best experience. This of course includes working with JAWS version 17 and 18.
Who is the Course For?
"Improve Your Outlook" is ideally suited to anyone who wishes to further their knowledge of this application. . It will also benefit I T professionals who have an elementary understanding of screen-reading but who want to provide a greater level of support to blind people, such as other colleagues they are working with.
Course Prerequisites.
As can be seen from the list of topics above, many subjects are covered. It is therefore important that you have:
- A full understanding of working with all aspects of Email and Contact management within Microsoft Outlook. If you attended our training course, "Looking Out for Outlook", you will already have the knowledge you need;
- Good keyboarding skills;
- Knowledge of how to undertake basic word processing features, such as to select (or highlight) text, printing, spell checking, etc;
- JAWS for Windows version 14 and higher;
- Preferably Microsoft Outlook 2013/2016 (although most topics should be equally usable with Outlook 2010).
If I Purchase the Course, What Will I Receive?
The course will give to you:
- An audio recording of each of the four lessons;
- Text documentation to reinforce topics covered in the lessons.
How to Purchase.
Improve Your Outlook is priced £50 which is approximately 62 American dollars.