Important Messages, such as Service Disruption and Opening Times.
Are usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.
Refund Policy
This page sets out our policy on refunding products and services. Our products and services fall into a number of categories which are set out below.
Audio Tutorials and Training Courses.
All training courses in the form of audio tutorials are provided via download in electronic format. No refunds will be offered upon the purchase of such an audio tutorial and your purchase of such a tutorial constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
You should also consult our Training Page for further information concerning the terms and conditions of purchasing audio tutorials.
We are extremely fair in terms of the provision of audio tutorials. The link provided to you upon the purchase of a tutorial will not expire, so you can download it again as often is required, together with taking advantage of the training resources which do not form part of the audio content. In the event you misplace the confirmation Email sent to you, please contact us for a replacement.
In the event you have difficulty in downloading the audio files, please let us know so that assistance can be provided to you.
Software Products.
Prior to making a purchase, you should be sure that the product will undertake the tasks you have in mind. If you are at all unsure about this, please contact us.
If you purchase a product from Hartgen Consultancy, and it is not working to your satisfaction, you can obtain a refund within 30 days from the date of purchase under the following conditions:
- You must contact us to let us know the difficulty you are having and to give us the opportunity of rectifying it. This is in line with our Terms and Conditions which you accepted when you installed the product. This may mean establishing a remote connection to your computer so as to troubleshoot the difficulty.
- Should a refund be agreed upon, we reserve the right to remotely connect to the host computer to ensure the product is uninstalled.
On Site Training.
Should you book an on site training session, you should bare the following in mind:
- In theory, a training session is unable to be cancelled less than seven days prior to the agreed date. Should such a cancellation or postponement be required, we will discuss it with you. We are sympathetic and do take into account illness or life events which may prevent you from attending a training session.
- Should you wish to entirely cancel an on site training session, we will evaluate how much time remains if the session was purchased as part of a package. We will then deduct a 20% processing fee and advise you of the amount due to you as a refund.
Remote Training.
A Remote Training session is where we contact you using the telephone or an alternative communication method, such as Skype. In the event that within 20 minutes of the commencement of the training you are unhappy with the way in which it is being conducted, you can request a refund of the amount paid for the training session. A 15% processing fee will be applied prior to the refund being issued.