Important Messages, such as Service Disruption and Opening Times.

Are usual opening hours are Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM UK time, excluding public holidays.

Elegance for ElBraille

Elegance for ElBraille gives you complete control of your ElBraille device without the need to remember complex key sequences. And it also means that you can do so within a matter of minutes. Provided you know the Windows keystroke or the JAWS screen reading command that you wish to use, you are able to use your ElBraille without any further thought. You can also create shorthand abbreviations for common Windows actions and even launch files and folders.

Find out how Elegance for ElBraille works!

Listen to the Audio Presentation of Elegance for ElBraille.

Read the transcript of the Elegance for ElBraille Presentation.

Elegance for ElBraille is priced £50 which is approximately 62 US dollars.

Please enter your JAWS or Fusion serial number here.

JAWS or Fusion Serial Number
